Thursday, November 19, 2009

Residency Update

The last time I updated you on Brandon's residency progress, I believe he had just applied to about twenty-two programs. Since then, he heard back from all but three programs. We had heard to expect to hear back from about half of the programs, so I am proud of him! He accepted fourteen of the invites. Fourteen....holy cow!! That means from now until January he will be driving/flying to fourteen different cities and interviewing with these places. This week alone he drove to St. Louis, Louisville, Lexington, and Indianapolis! Yes, that's four interviews in one week! He seemed to be very pleased with how the interviews went. Four down, ten to go! That still sounds like a lot! He gets home tonight and I know will probably crash the rest of the weekend. He took next week off to enjoy a long, well deserved, Thanksgiving break.

We look forward to next week, as we are planning on going to Nashville Wednesday night and spending the long weekend there with our family for Thanksgiving. I hope everyone has a wonderful time with their families and has a Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. Meaghan! I found your blog...It sounds like you guys are doing well! Pray that God will direct you guys to the perfect residence/residency!! Rob's brother is doing his residency in Lousiville and loves it. Hope you guys have a great Thanksgiving!
